Resource Allocation []

The best resource utilisation uses state-of-the-art forecasting & simulation:

"what will we need?" and "how can we respond?" - we can help with both

Our resource allocation models have been used within offices, restaurants and hotels, where we’ve successfully been able to improve utilisation of desks, tables and rooms all using the same industry-leading capacity management methodology.

Much like an advanced “tetris” solver, our scheduler will allocate existing and new demand against a set of resources you’ve specified, to give you the best possible utilisation return – whilst fully meeting all customised requirements you set.

A particularly powerful feature of our resource scheduling models is our use of machine learning to understand the likelihood of gaps being filled, taking this into account as resources are matched to incoming demand. This further boosts the utilisation levels we’re able to achieve, as well as offering on-demand revenue forecasts that are significantly more accurate than would otherwise be possible.

We’ll customise output reports to your requirements, that will typically show raw demand and how the model is continually fitting this into your available set of resources.

Contact us at or via our details below to see what we can do for you.

+30% Impact: Deliver 30% more with the same resource

- Scenario modelling identifies ways to fit in an extra 20% 

- Demand forecasting considers best eventual fit to boost revenue by a further 10%

- Final utilisation is at least 30% higher than that achieved with "first come first served"

- 100% of custom constraints accommodated (neighbouring / preferred rooms, etc.)

- Revenue forecasts automatically linked to financial planning spreadsheets